Become a member

Do you share our vision of using data for the common good without compromising the citizens’ control over their personal data?

Would you like to contribute your ideas towards guaranteeing sovereignty of citizens over the use of their data?

Take part in the governance of the cooperative

We highly encourage you to consider a membership of the MIDATA cooperative (Statuten (DE), Articles of Association (EN, unofficial translation)). As a member, you will be invited to attend the General Assembly. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the cooperative. By making use of your right to vote, you can take part in the governance of the MIDATA cooperative by deciding on the articles of association, the members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors, and many other things.


People with a place of residence in Switzerland may become members of the MIDATA cooperative. Do not hesitate to download the required documents for an application to the cooperative and become a member.

Apply now

We look forward to welcoming you as a member of the MIDATA cooperative!